Press release on a personal note, 25 August 2022
Dorothy’s Dream started over 28 years ago in the basement of our house.
Pioneering, strong-willed, powerful and customer friendly, at a time of agent partnerships and faxes.
There were challenges indeed, but there was also a lot of laughter and a steep learning curve.
With both daughters joining the company and the introduction of both mobile phones and emails,
DeeDee grew significantly. Innovative and inventive, the first stand-up pouch was introduced.
This producer, also a family-owned company, became a life-long partner for DeeDee, just as all our
other producing partners. We welcomed new customers and markets, with high quality and a smile.
Growth was achieved, both in turnover and in entrepreneurship. And as a family, we grew personally,
especially during turbulent times such as during the family generation transition and Dorothy’s
transplantation. The trust in the DeeDee team was anchored at that time. It is during rough times that you really get to know and appreciate each other.
Inge and Elke are becoming independent entrepreneurs, doing business in their own way. Deciding
together on the strategy and how to achieve it. Coloring the business together gives us enormous
energy and pleasure: ‘Together we can achieve great things!’ Focused on achieving growth, but only
at the condition of a good atmosphere and our own, humane way of working.
Now Dorothy’s Dream has been realized; we are proud of our extreme service and sincere attention.
And ready for the next step. Together we decided not to continue alone, but to find a partner with
similar values, customer believes and expertise. To create 1 + 1 = 3.
There were two potential partners, each powerful in their own way.
Turns out they were in mutual negotiation for partnership too, creating 1 + 1 + 1 = 4. Or 6. Or….
In any case a burst of positive energy, innovative power with the customer at first attention.
DeeDee becomes Berlin Packaging
Onwards to new dreams!
The ladies of DeeDee, 25-years anniversary sep-2018 Elke & Inge; then you say wine! Reykjavik jun-2022